Nominations, Petitions for Candidate for Office

      Nominations of the municipal officers shall be by petition.  The petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk, together with a written consent of the prospective nominee to the printing of their name on the ballot, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election. A petition shall contain the name of only one candidate, and signatures of at least 1% of the registered voters of the town. A person consenting to be nominated may withdraw by notifying the Town Clerk in writing no later than 5:00 pm on the Wednesday after the filing deadline.

     The following positions will be elected on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2023.  Submit your completed petition and consent form to the Town Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 30, 2023, in order to get your name printed on the ballot. The required number of signatures is 12. Blank petitions are available outside the town office door, or on Lincoln's website under "Documents & Forms". Please turn in your petitions as soon as possible.

Selectboard (3 year term)

Selectboard (2 year term)

Town Clerk (1 year)

Treasurer (1 year)

1st Constable (1 year)

2nd Constable (1 year)

Collector of Delinquent Taxes (1 year)

Town Meeting Moderator (1 year)

Lister (3 years)

Library Trustee (3 year)--vote for 2

Do you have questions about these positions? Please contact Town Clerk, Sally Ober, or the VT Secretary of State's Office.