Town of Lincoln Appointed Officials

Our town is run by a collaborative team of elected and appointed officials, many of whom are volunteers. The Selectboard appoints the following roles, typically just after Town Meeting each spring. If you are interested in one of these appointed positions, reach out to the Selectboard at any time.



Appointee Roles and Responsibilities

The 250th Anniversary Liaison will represent Lincoln on the Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission, a group created by Gov. Scott to plan, coordinate, and promote observances and activities that commemorate the historic events associated with the American Revolution in Vermont. In November 2023, the Selectboard signed a resolution pledging our town’s participation. The liaison will serve as Lincoln’s single point of contact for commission leaders and communicate needs/requests from the commission to the Selectboard.

This volunteer position is filled. 


The Addison County Communications Union District Delegate represents Lincoln on the Addison County Communications Union District Governing Board, which is run by Maple Broadband and works to establish reliable, affordable high-speed broadband Internet service for 20 member towns. Delegates typically meet once a month in Middlebury.

Up to two Addison County Communications Union District Alternates represent Lincoln when the delegate cannot.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

The volunteer delegate position is currently filled through March 2025. The volunteer alternate position is currently vacant. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles.


The Addison County Regional Planning Commission Delegate represents Lincoln on the Addison County Regional Planning Commission, which promotes community development within the Addison Region. The delegates from 21 municipalities typically meet monthly in Middlebury, and each commissioner is required to serve on one of six committees that meet separately.

The Addison County Regional Planning Commission Alternate represents Lincoln when the delegate cannot.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

The volunteer delegate position is currently filled through April 2025. The volunteer alternate position is currently vacant. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles.


The Addison County Solid Waste Management District Delegate represents Lincoln on the Addison County Solid Waste Management District’s Board of Supervisors. Delegates typically meet once a month in Middlebury.

The Addison County Solid Waste Management District Alternate represents Lincoln when the delegate cannot.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

These volunteer positions are currently filled through March 2025. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles in the future.


The Animal Control Officer supports the Selectboard in enforcing state law and town ordinances related to animals. Specific experience is necessary.

This paid position is currently filled and not term limited.


Conservation Commission Members work to preserve the natural beauty and rural character of Lincoln and to protect and enhance its natural environment through land acquisition and easements, advocacy, and education. They are the stewards of town-owned properties with natural value, including the Colby Hill Lot, the Urz Lot, the “Ripton” Lot, and Willards Woods. The commission typically meets once a month.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

These volunteer positions are currently filled and not term limited.


Development Review Board Members handle all land-use reviews regarding permits, subdivisions, and relevant appeals. They work closely with the Zoning Administrator and collaborate at times with the Planning Commission and Selectboard. The DRB typically meets once a month at the Town Office and each member serves a three-year term.

Development Review Board Alternate Members vote in the absence of regular members.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

These volunteer board member positions are currently filled through July 2024 and beyond. One alternate spot is vacant. Contact the Selectboard or DRB Chair if you are interested in one of these roles.


The Emergency Manager has direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and coordination of emergency management during an event like a natural disaster or accident involving hazardous substances. Specific training is necessary.

The Assistant Emergency Manager supports the Emergency Manager in response efforts. Specific training is necessary.

These volunteer positions are currently filled through March 2025. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles in the future.


The Energy Coordinator helps to establish and implement the community’s energy goals and engages in regional energy planning.

This volunteer position is currently vacant. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in this role.


The Fence Viewers may be asked by the Selectboard or any Lincoln resident to serve as a volunteer arbitrator in disputes or decision-making related to fences and property boundaries.

Two out of three of these volunteer positions are currently filled through March 2025. One position is currently vacant. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles.


The town Health Officer is recommended by the Selectboard and appointed by the Commissioner of Health to investigate and respond to public health hazards. In recent Lincoln history, this has included animal bites, illegal dumping of hazardous material, septic system failure, and unsafe drinking water. Specific experience is required.

The Deputy Health Officer supports the Health Officer in response efforts.

Together, the Selectboard, Health Officer, and Deputy Health Officer make up the local Board of Health, according to state law.

These volunteer positions are currently filled through September 2024.


The Highway Supervisor plans and oversees all municipal highway operations. This includes supervision of employees and contractors, management of municipal construction projects, and ongoing maintenance of municipal roads, sidewalks, vehicles, and equipment. Specific experience is required.

This full-time paid position is currently filled and not term limited.


The Inspector of Lumber would traditionally be asked to examine, classify, and certify the quality of lumber and shingles or measure lumber, shingles, and wood. These days, residents can call this person to confirm, for example, that a quantity of delivered firewood matches what was ordered or serve as a neutral third party in decision-making related to lumber.

This volunteer position is currently filled through March 2025. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in this role in the future.


Planning Commission Members are tasked with drafting and updating the Town Plan — a blueprint for maintaining the best elements of Lincoln’s rural, diverse, and close-knit community, while providing for Lincoln residents’ future needs and quality of life — and the town’s Zoning Regulations, which further the purpose of the Town Plan and provide for orderly community growth. The commission typically meets once a month at the Town Office and each member serves a three-year term.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

These volunteer positions are currently filled through June 2025 and beyond. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in this role in the future.


The Selectboard Assistant provides administrative support to the Selectboard, serves as the Board’s clerk, and will report to the future Town Administrator. The assistant works with staff, elected and appointed officials, volunteer boards, and the public.

This part-time paid position is currently filled and not term limited.


The Town Administrator will assist in the day-to-day management of the town and provide administrative support to the Selectboard in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities. This includes implementing policies and procedures, overseeing human resources, serving as grants administrator, and overseeing IT systems.

This full-time paid position is currently filled and not term limited.


The Transfer Station Operator runs and manages the town transfer station and recycling center at 1111 Downingsville Road.

This paid contractor position is currently filled. Contract renewals take place annually. Learn more about transfer station hours, rules, and fees here.


The Transportation Advisory Committee Delegate represents Lincoln on the Addison County Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation Advisory Committee, which provides local input on the transportation planning process, possible projects in the region, and transportation policy. The committee typically meets eight to ten times per year in Middlebury.

The Transportation Advisory Committee Alternate represents Lincoln when the delegate cannot.

Get a sense of the topics discussed in this role by reviewing recent meeting agendas and minutes.

These volunteer positions are currently filled through March 2025. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in one of these roles in the future.


The Treasurer is responsible for a range of high-level financial operations, including maintaining the Town’s accounts, approving accounts payable and payroll, performing all accounts receivable, and collecting and recording tax payments. Specific experience is required.

The Assistant Treasurer and Bookkeeper assist the Treasurer in these efforts.

These part-time paid positions are currently filled.


The Tree Warden helps to make determinations about the care and stewardship of trees on public property. They may remove or demand the removal of any tree in the public right-of-way that is in an unsafe condition, presents a hazard to the general public, is infected by insects, or is affecting the improvement of public utilities. Specific experience or training may be required.

This volunteer position is currently filled through March 2025. Contact the Selectboard if you are interested in this role in the future.


The Zoning Administrator is responsible for administering and enforcing the Town’s zoning bylaws and regulations in a consistent, fair, and timely manner. This person must be nominated by the Planning Commission before being appointed/hired by the Selectboard. Specific experience and adherence to statutes is required.

This part-time paid position is currently filled.